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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectTo be fair, Embiid has a history of faltering in the playoffs
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2785499&mesg_id=2785769
2785769, To be fair, Embiid has a history of faltering in the playoffs
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Mar-28-23 11:08 AM
It could be the case where the Sixer's doctors and front office values the team's theoretical long term playoff success over the immediate short term success of the team winning the game in Denver.

I don't have a cart in this MVP debate at all because I'm not a huge fan of either Embiid of Jokic, but it would suck if the media members look down on Embiid because he sat out this game; he was playing like a demon a week or two ago while the Nuggets had their brief slide with loses.