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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectwarriors won multiple titles with steph handling the ball.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2785499&mesg_id=2785739
2785739, warriors won multiple titles with steph handling the ball.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Mar-27-23 07:36 PM
including last year lol.

this jordan poole initiating the offense is some new shit this year and we have seen the results.

i mean...down the stretch last night with poole controlling the rock...2 costly turnovers from him...an ill advised deep 3 with like 16 secs left on the shot clock...and then couldnt even get the ball *to* steph to attempt a game winner.

theres a reason kerr finally took poole out the closing lineup and the warriors started winning close games more.

steph 'causing chaos' off the ball doesnt supersede the actual real life results of having jordan poole handle the ball in crunch time. it leads to terrible possessions and ultimately losses.

poole had one good game closing with the starters (dallas) and kerr went back to the experiment. and we see what happened.