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Topic subjectI just read an article about the Mavericks
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2785499&mesg_id=2785695
2785695, I just read an article about the Mavericks
Posted by Numba_33, Mon Mar-27-23 02:21 PM
where it actually might on the table for them to tank due to the fact they are outside of the play-ins as of today. To be clear, the article was for a New York online newspaper, so the article was slanted from the perspective of the Knicks potentially not getting a draft pick from them.

Pretty wild how terrible a position they are in; outside of the play-ins, but their record isn't terrible enough to seemingly land a high enough draft pick to help out their squad. Pretty much in purgatory.

When on earth are national mainstream media going to fry Luka? Only makes sense since he was given all the glory for how talented he is; it only makes sense to fry the man if his team isn't performing up expectations. Doesn't make sense for the dude to get all the glory yet none of the blame for the Mavericks' current failures.

To be clear, Cuban does deserve a grip of blame for how terrible the roster as been, plus the huge about the changes within the past two seasons can't amount for a decent amount of consistency as well. But I still need to hear media folks fry Luka. Westbrook was called Westbrick and the man was a former MVP winner.

Their offseason is going to be very very interesting. I have to assume Kidd knows he's going to get the axe after the 82nd game in April.