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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThe Bulls are gonna fuck around and annoy the hell out of
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2785499&mesg_id=2785656
2785656, The Bulls are gonna fuck around and annoy the hell out of
Posted by RandomFact, Sun Mar-26-23 09:16 PM
someone in the playoffs.

A playoff game is generally won and lost in the half court and the Bulls can certainly play and defend in the half court. Got two of the better bucket getters out there in addition to coby white finally coming into his own. not to mention vuc still being one of the more skilled offensive bigs in the game. and now the pat bev/caruso backcourt has the defense on a string. billy has been preaching the point of attack stuff and it seems like we finally have the players to make that happen (it was definitely working with lonzo as well).

The top ranked defense since the all star break is a wild revelation. Add that to zach playing all-nba ball and coby proving to be a solid 3rd/4th option and you have the makings of a team that should annoy the hell out of whoever they play.