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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectUCONN was the worst for them..I knew the Huskies was gutting them.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2784898&mesg_id=2785601
2785601, UCONN was the worst for them..I knew the Huskies was gutting them.
Posted by Castro, Sat Mar-25-23 10:25 PM
UCONN just has to worry about Texas and maybe San Diego State....teams that have physical wings and at least two serviceable bigs. You shut UCONN down on the boards, they can't play at pace. When they start those medium speed breaks that is when Hawkins, Karaban, Calcaterra, Diarra, Newton, LOL and Allene find spaces to shoot freely. You not shutting ALL of them down. Dan Hurley has found ways to mess it up before, but this team has a decent plan of attack and an embarrassment of riches to execute it.