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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectPatrick Beverly has actually been a breath of fresh air.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2785499&mesg_id=2785572
2785572, Patrick Beverly has actually been a breath of fresh air.
Posted by allStah, Sat Mar-25-23 02:32 AM
With him and Caruso on the floor, Zach doesn’t have to worry about defense,
and can just do what he only cares about and that’s offense.

It’s a poor man’s version of Ball and Caruso, but it works.

We have better defense along the perimeter to slow down ball

Ball just had a third surgery and will be out for next season, so we can keep
Beverly for another year, and see if Ball can return to the court…If he can’t, buy
him out and move on.

Let Vooch walk…please don’t bring him back!

Let’s go after AD by offering Lavine..

AD-Williams-Derozan-Caruso-Beverly…I’ll take that for one season.

Mgt. saved face with the Bev move, because up until that they had been
horrible….hopefully, it continues to work.