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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThis ain’t even in the same universe as
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2784051&mesg_id=2785483
2785483, This ain’t even in the same universe as
Posted by allStah, Fri Mar-24-23 10:01 AM
a Russian Oligarch spending money to win championships. This has to do with the integrity
and spirit of the game, and you know that.

So you can save that shitty comparison, because it makes zero sense.

And again there are court documents proving that Barca paid millions for
close to 17 years to a former VP of refereeing…the investigation is to find if it was more
than for ref analysis….and you know got damn well it was!

As far as Barcelona beating Real Madrid, congrats, you will go
on and win La Liga ….while Real Madrid conquers the world!

God damn cheaters.

Any other time yall would be talking shit …now y’all don’t want to talk..

I’ve never dodged any topic or talk thrown at me regarding Chelsea or RM…
negative or positive. I’ve always been here.

Heat is on that ass .. Own it!