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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectFock Henry
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2782043&mesg_id=2782367
2782367, Fock Henry
Posted by allStah, Tue Feb-07-23 03:57 AM
Great striker, but he ain’t focking with the magic and beauty of prime Hazard.

After 2004 Arsenal ain’t do shit. He was there from 1999-2007. Once Roman
took over Chelsea, Arsenal turned to shit and they have been that way ever since.

We ran those dudes!

Other than the 2 PL trophies Henry won at Arsenal, Hazard’s title resume
is better.

Hazard was magic taking on 1v2, 1v3…Arsenal should know, he decimated those

Hazard was a thing of beauty

2 PL titles
EFL cup
2 Europas