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Topic subjectAnd Wiggins is shooting
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2776045&mesg_id=2777416
2777416, And Wiggins is shooting
Posted by allStah, Wed Nov-30-22 02:46 PM
50 pct from the field, and 42 pct from 3! He even increased his stats since
the post was made! You failed to mention that..lol

While being the warriors BEST defensive player.

OVERALL he is hands down their best player. Yeah , skippy, there
are two sides to basketball. Wiggins is doing Scottie Pippen shit,
night in and night out.

His two way ability allows others to do what they do, especially when
you have a player on the floor who only gets SINGLE stats and a center
who is a fill in.

Wiggins has been ROCK SOLID all season long so far… while others
have been up and down.