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Topic subject... matches the disrespect former superstars show today's players?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2776045&mesg_id=2776335
2776335, ... matches the disrespect former superstars show today's players?
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Nov-16-22 11:48 AM
How many times have you seen some player from the 90s say Giannis would've been a bench player in their era or some horseshit like that? lol it's fairly frequent. Names change, mentality stays the same.

And if Barkley and Shaq are gonna be on TV talking shit, the number of young players who're gonna say something like "fuck this old man" is going to go up, lol. Nature of the beast.