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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectHow do you people watch this shit? It seems like such a chore.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2773332&mesg_id=2773690
2773690, How do you people watch this shit? It seems like such a chore.
Posted by RandomFact, Sun Oct-09-22 09:29 PM
I was in a pub in the UK last week and was asked about American football. Before I had a chance to say anything dude says "it's a scam." Never thought about it that way but the young Scotsman was on to something. He knew all about the three hours of programming for 12 minutes of gameplay. And much of that "gameplay" being incomplete passes and one yard runs.

I've tuned in here and there for a few games this season and THIS shit is the antithesis of entertainment.

How and why do you do it? Your Sundays could be much more fruitful.