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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectMo Cheeks?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2765384&mesg_id=2765503
2765503, Mo Cheeks?
Posted by allStah, Tue May-17-22 07:48 AM
His career assist average ...6

The year philly won the chip with Malone and Dr.J he averaged 6 assists a
game. Stockton would have put up 15 assists every night.


Kevin Johnson? He isn’t even in the hall of fame.

Don’t turn this into some racial thing....if Stockton were black, this
wouldn’t even be a debate....the fact that he mentioned mo cheeks over
Stockton...hell no. Mo ain’t even a top ten pg.

I watched Stockton play and dude was a straight up dog....Mo wasn’t, KJ wasn’t,
Chris Paul soft ass isn’t. That white dude could just flat out ball.

What would John Stockton do? - Pat Bev