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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectCP3 is still better than Stockton. Clearly.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2765384&mesg_id=2765400
2765400, CP3 is still better than Stockton. Clearly.
Posted by soulfunk, Mon May-16-22 10:12 AM

Regular season for their career, CP3 is at 18 ppg, 9.5 apg while Stockton is at 13.1 and 10.5.

Playoffs? CP3 is at 20.4 and 8.3, Stockton at 13.4 and 10.1.

CP3 has 7 all-defense first team to Stockton's zero. Four all NBA first teams to Stockton's 2. 12 all star games (and counting) to Stockton's 10. Plus a rookie of the year.