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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: Moxley had his best match ever for the 2nd time in a month
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2759738&mesg_id=2759778
2759778, RE: Moxley had his best match ever for the 2nd time in a month
Posted by jimaveli, Mon Mar-07-22 12:20 AM
>BD with more wizardry and i like it when matches end with
>clever wrestling moves more frequently than they have in AEW
>that was great. a second match that was way better than I
>expected, and Regal got involved with the issue just in time.

Bryan and Punk are AMAZING gets for AEW. They make vets like Jericho at least have to consider tightening their shit up. I mean look at Jericho physically now. Different human. And what he did with Eddie tonight was beautiful. Christian doesn’t need to be pressed to be good but he was a glue guy in the ladder match tonight and who knows what he’s doing that we don’t see around there.

Anyway, Bryan and Punk help button up the show and I love them for it. Being in the ring with either one means you’re gonna do something that makes sense and is good af. They validate AEW’s need to exist. I keep trying to think about them not being around and I basically can’t. What in the fuck would these people be doing? Indies that most of us wouldn’t see? Sit in catering in wwe? Wait to job in a 6-minute nothing match somewhere on a wwe show? I mean really…what would Bryan be doing right on with mania a month out? And how excited would you be to see him wrestle Corbin?

This Revolution show was almost overwhelmingly good for the most part. They had to have some cool off matches and even most of those worked. Jade is on the way and she’s easy to appreciate even tho they took a huge chance putting her in their with Conti, who is also a work in progress. Thunder and Britt are dope enough to be trusted in a spot where they couldn’t go all out. And Sting is hardcore Terry Funk now for some reason and I like it. The other matches were meant to be good azz matches fo sho and mostly achieved. The main event might’ve been the weakest of the matches that weren’t ‘bridge’ matches and it was still solid work even if it was a bit desperate to validate itself as the main.