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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectcompletely agree. i didn't care who won, but it was a legit GREAT game.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2758379&mesg_id=2758588
2758588, completely agree. i didn't care who won, but it was a legit GREAT game.
Posted by poetx, Sun Feb-13-22 10:26 PM
>One of the most entertaining Super Bowls, even if you
>technically have no agendas.

well played. well coached. mostly (?) well officiated (apart from the blown call on tee higgins td for OPI and facemask).

>Cincinnati: won the AFC North when no one predicted them to do
>so. tossed aside the 1 seed, beat Patrick fucking Mahomes in
>the AFCCG. Had the Rams on their heels esp. after OBJ got
>hurt. I can't think of a play on offense that made me want to
>cuss them out. Zac Taylor did some amazing shit to take the
>Rams D out of it after their first score.

>Rams: Dispatched of the rest of the NFC West. Survived Boody's
>Luck (Boody Retires). Survived Niners Defense. Lost OBJ early.
>Couldn't run. Stafford throws 2 picks (one being an air punt,
>the other one costing them). Rides Cooper KUPP (Transform!) to
>a go-ahead goal. Defense sends Home Alone and them home with
>under a minute to go.

KUPP is a mfing beast. that last drive, man. getting doubled all day, still making moves. OBJ was balling out till he got hurt. soon as i saw him drop it on the non-contact injury i knew it was a wrap for him.

shit. ME rooting for obj.
>Best playoffs of all teams in a while.
>Best thing of all: No Boody in the Super Bowl, and that
>motherfucker is gone for ever.

bruh. i was literally not going to watch if either pats or tampa was in this shit.

>Now that LA has gotten their ring, we can now focus on the
>open field.

also, w/ the half time, that was some of the most LAish shit ever, i have to believe.

peace & blessings,



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focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad