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Topic subjectI'm glad to see Tom like this.....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2752647&mesg_id=2752669
2752669, I'm glad to see Tom like this.....
Posted by blueeclipse, Wed Dec-08-21 04:14 PM
Brady has always seemed like an insufferable dickhead and the more we've got to see the curtain pulled back the last year or so we find out he's more of a likeable dickhead than anything else.

It's hard not to respect that kind of greatness.

That being said.....watching them lose Super Bowl 42 was one of my fondest memories as a sports fan. Fuck that Patriots. Belichick is such an arrogant prick that being the best coach in the league isn't enough for him......he has to cheat and bend every fucking rule he can find. You know he does it just to show that he's the smartest guy in the room as if all of that winning isn't enough. He's a sociopath.

Anyway....I digress.

There may never be another Tom and getting to see the behind the scenes stuff is really cool. Even if I have to stomach reliving some of the Patriots garbage.

Sidenote: IDGAF what anyone says......Eli Manning is a HOF'er. People need to let that shit go. He beat the Patriots TWICE in the Super Bowl. That's enough.