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Topic subjectAnd the muck stirring continues: Mercedes requests a review
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2732215&mesg_id=2751015
2751015, And the muck stirring continues: Mercedes requests a review
Posted by spenzalii, Wed Nov-17-21 05:03 PM
Not entirely sure what to make of this one, really. The onboard view wasn't released until days after the race, so the stewards couldn't use that when they made their (non) ruling. That's a bit suspect. Max didn't even try to make that corner and Lewis was clearly past him, not alongside. Shades of Nico in Austria in '16, honestly. Had Lewis not evaded (once again this season) they both get wiped out, and Max can't whine about 'giving space'. But Lewis won, so....

Petronas initial stance was they want to win on the track, so they didn't take up the fight with the wing (which was also a weird technical ruling, but another post), but they want a ruling after the race here. But Lewis won, so...

It's funny Horner was on the phone with the stewards immediately when the incident happened to try to call off the dogs for his boy. He had to know that was a penalty coming Max's way. If Max gets that penalty, he probably comes in 3rd, and with the championship this close, he can't afford that at all. Mind you, he was all in a tizzy when Toto calls the stewards mid race. Same team BS and hypocrisy. But Lewis won, so....

I suppose the only reason to call for a review is to have the stewards go on record as to what is allowed and what isn't, because it seems grey AF (or grey AF for anybody but Max this season). I don't expect this to be reopened, and I don't expect Max to get any penalty, warning, or stern talking to. Setting a precedent going forward makes a little sense, but with new cars and regs next year, there's no real world knowledge on how the cars will act in a race (though turning for a corner is still turning for a corner). The rule can't apply only if there's a gravel trap, like, say, Austria. Could just be petty for pettiness' sake.

But Lewis still won, so...