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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: It makes some sense if you consider Havertz to be a generational talent
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2716778&mesg_id=2718512
2718512, RE: It makes some sense if you consider Havertz to be a generational talent
Posted by allStah, Mon Aug-24-20 04:21 PM
No. It’s gambling, and every time we gamble we lose. We thought Kepa was a generational talent, and look where that has led us. 100 million for talent that we don’t need, so now we have all this SO called talent for a coach who has no idea how to put together a starting 11 or what formation to use.

That’s another thing. It’s not like Frank is an experienced champion coach. He is a rookie himself, and is still trying to figure out how to coach. These players could actually regress under him as he fumbles and fiddles around with shit. He is a highly offensive coach, with no understanding of balance, and it cost us all season. And now it’s affecting how we scout and purchase players.

Going after flash and so called talent, because a player does something good for 1 year, etc, can turn a franchise into shit really fast. It’s flash in the pan scouting and buying.

Either this will be highly successful or really, really bad.There is no in between here, which is why it is gambling.

Chelsea has always been a club of balance, at least having some solid players and strategies to win some hardware.

I’ve been through many of chelsea’s trials and tribulations, from Scolari to AVB to Torres, etc, but those situations were quick turn-arounds and quick-fixes.

This could actually ruin us for years. We shall see. They are chelsea players now, so they have my support.