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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectare you deranged? or is that a dumb question at this point?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2717401&mesg_id=2717588
2717588, are you deranged? or is that a dumb question at this point?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Thu Aug-13-20 10:41 AM

>I understand for Buckeye nation and its eternal thirst to be
>seen on SEC level athletically to actually lose a football
>season will be akin to losing a child but you guys will figure
>out how to make it through.

I've made my thoughts on these issues pretty well known throughout these threads dating way back to when this mess started. And it's the complete opposite of the horseshit you just angrily typed up. Literally right above this post is me responding with 'I DONT DISAGREE' in regards to player safety.

So either you can't read or you're just desperate to agitate and attack someone online as I guess that somehow makes your day a bit brighter.

And sports (from the pro's down to little league) are still being played in some non-red state sports. If you're going to try this hard to be a complete asshole, at least put in the same effort in getting your facts straight.