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Topic subjectRE: Yeah I watch Wednesday Night Dynamite every week
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2709907&mesg_id=2712756
2712756, RE: Yeah I watch Wednesday Night Dynamite every week
Posted by jimaveli, Thu Feb-27-20 09:08 PM
>but I canceled my Network subscription some time ago. I put
>Smackdown on if I'm at home but I don't even bother watching
>the Raw and Smackdown recap videos anymore.
>I wish NXT was on a different night though so I could watch it
>live; I just can't do full program replays when I already know
>what the results are.

I hate that Wyatt had to go out like this but some OP legend was basically the only way to have him lose a 1 on 1 deal after they booked him into a ridiculous no-sell corner. We’d be more annoyed if he got speared and jump punched to death by Reigns prolly. And now we get another Reigns title match. But at least this time the crowd will want him to win.

I rarely see much Raw. I don’t auto-record it anymore. I see enough to love the Street Profits and heel Rollins. I just don’t fuck with 3-hour Raws. They’re almost always stretching out a 2 hour show. It’s brutal. I occasionally ffwd through SD. I wish I liked it more cuz of some of the folks on the show but I don’t. I’ll usually catch a vid of whatever Bray is doing cuz it’s great work. I wish they would’ve let Matt Hardy have that type of title run. He would’ve been deleting folks and being ridiculous. And just like Bray, most of the matches would’ve ‘sucked’ but the character work would’ve been bang up.

I really like NXT. It’s surprising cuz I don’t have much deep love for most of the indy guys they have running wild there. I was never a big Adam Cole guy for instance. I remember seeing Gargano at an indy show on Mania Dallas weekend and I’m biased towards him now cuz he’s my new Sami Zayn. Now damn near everyone on that Indy card has been in WWE at some point. Even Ibushi!

I love Keith Lee and Velveteen Dream. I hope they both have 15 great high profile years at least.

I lust after Toni Storm but that’s not special since all of the shows have a diverse array of attractive ladies who mostly can work good matches. It’s a golden age for women’s rasslin TALENT. They just need a little booking help.

I also like Dynamite enough to keep up with it but I’m very much tempering my expectations/allowing them to work through their kinks without freaking out when JR screws pooch on another name or something clunky happens. I think they have their nerdy rasslin hearts in the right place and that’s all I need sometimes. And that roster is coming along nicely. I’m excited for their future.