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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectWhat?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2712666&mesg_id=2712746
2712746, What?
Posted by allStah, Thu Feb-27-20 04:43 PM
The men play more sets. They can play up to 5 sets. The woman three
Also better rivals and competition.

Serena is one of the GOATS. I still have Steff right there.
But this era is highly diluted in competition. Serena’s competition retired

Hingis, capriati , henin all had some serious success against Serena. They were no cakewalk for her.

Against Hingis: 7-6, Serena winning 7
Henin beat Serena in three straight majors , and had had a 4-3 winning record in grand slam matches. And 4-1 on clay

Hingis and henin couldn’t get over injuries. And cap got old

Once they left , no real comp for Serena. She is still the greatest but not facing comp like Fed until now . Now she is facing some serious young comp and you see how hard it is.

So she is getting right pay compared to Fed and the top men.