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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectWe know he said it. We know who he said it to.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2705273&mesg_id=2705478
2705478, We know he said it. We know who he said it to.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu Oct-24-19 01:27 AM
What's at issue here? If he had some magical circumstance that made him something other than a prick waving a wife beater's success in a bunch of women's faces, at least one of whom had been vocal about the decision to acquire him? Really I am trying to figure out what the "other side" of this story is. But actually I'm not because there is none. I also think that it's rich that you are calling someone else obtuse on this. There's no dispute as to what was said and no explanation as to why. There was only an ad hominem attack denial and then an apology walking that back. Why would the witnesses lie here? For a beat writer to come out and confirm this, that's a big and potentially risky move. I'm not sure what's unknown and why you need a recording when several people with nothing to gain (and potentially standing to lose) have backed up the report and there hasn't been a denial as to what was said. He was "backing their player?" You seriously believe that is all there was to it or that that makes it acceptable? Wow.