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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: I mean, if the invesigation turns up nothing conclusive...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2702514&mesg_id=2704672
2704672, RE: I mean, if the invesigation turns up nothing conclusive...
Posted by hip bopper, Mon Oct-14-19 03:06 PM
>...does he really not deserve to do his job again?
>Because all we know for a fact is that he's an asshole.

No he doesn’t... when you have a guy that makes what goes on in a locker room public. As well as memorandums and phone convos with GM’s and your head coach public, then I would be real hesitant to bring him into my locker room as an owner.

>To AB's point: Ben Roth's evidence was waaaaaaaay
>worse, and he's still the face of the franchise

I don’t care about his point. This dummy should know that the rules are different for a high profile white QB vs. a replaceable, problem starter WR.