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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subject100.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2702514&mesg_id=2703172
2703172, 100.
Posted by Brew, Sun Sep-15-19 04:27 PM
>RE: only about 20% of sexual assaults are reported to police.
>so her not filing a police report would place her among the
>vast majority of victims even if her accusations are true.
>vast amounts of women dont even mention it to anyone at all
>until years to decades later.
>everything else you typed out is pure speculation based on a
>self-rationalized perspective you developed independent of the
>actual facts/stats.

I was saying this to somebody yesterday. In a vacuum the lack of a police report should never be used as evidence that a victim is lying. Huge part of the problem.

Thought we'd made some progress in that regard in 2017, but maybe not.