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Topic subjectthe Warriors shouldn't have cleared him
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2698399&mesg_id=2698858
2698858, the Warriors shouldn't have cleared him
Posted by Stadiq, Wed Jun-12-19 06:03 PM
End of story, man.

There is no reason they should have cleared him.

If you want to blame sports culture first? Okay. Go for it.

But the GS staff needs to protect their player from that culture then.

Especially when the organization already has 3 chips. The fuck they risking KD's entire future for a 4th?

The best case scenario here for GS is that it was KD who pushed to come back on his own, and they didn't stop him.

Even that scenario makes the organization look bad.

And the fact that they sat Klay for one game doesn't erase the fact that they should have sat KD for more.

You can be a GS fan and question Meyer, Kerr, etc.

And to Legs point, you can be rational here and recognize this is on GS...and not be a "hater"