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Topic subjectRE: Why is Lars Sullivan not working?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2689943&mesg_id=2698371
2698371, RE: Why is Lars Sullivan not working?
Posted by jimaveli, Sun Jun-09-19 10:42 AM
>As much as I love huge, muscular, monster heels, he is
>just....nothing. Doesn't move the needle a bit. A gimmick that
>should be the easiest to put over is completely flat-lining.
>Any idea why?

He's not that tall. AKA he's got a Rhyno problem. Now sure, folks are generally less concerned with rassler size nowadays than ever. But when Cole and them are acting like Lars is Strowman and he's clearly not that, it's kinda silly.

Also, he struggled on the lift with a couple of those early confrontations. That didn't help. Cole and them don't lose their whole shit every time Cesaro does some 'damn, he's actually strong' stuff. So listening to them lose their mind over a guy struggling with basic slams is also silly.

And if that's not enough, he got caught out there with the shaky/racist-y tweets from years ago.

Aaaaaaaand, he might have some kind of anxiety issue so WWE probably doesn't wholesale trust him to be always around. And you know how Vince tends to hate that.

Him throwing around Lucha Party or whatever isn't gonna help either.

Last thing for now: WWE has a huge problem with building up monsters only to have them get slapped into obscurity as soon as they take on a real challenge from someone high up the card. IE: Hulk would no-sell a monster's finish and the dude would never be the same again. Years later, Austin/Cena/Reigns/whoever were usually a lock to overcome the big ugly monster guy. AKA WWE has programmed the audience to assume that the average monster isn't winning when it counts so wet farts abound when another one shows up.