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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectWhat exactly did they expect Goldberg-Taker to be?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2689943&mesg_id=2698328
2698328, What exactly did they expect Goldberg-Taker to be?
Posted by pretentious username, Sat Jun-08-19 12:17 PM
Didn't watch but I've seen the clips... holy shit they're lucky neither of them is paralyzed. I know that Saudi money talks, but for a publicly-traded company that likes to stress the safety of their performers it is getting WILDLY irresponsible in putting these old dudes out there.

Say what you want about Hunter, but at least I know he can handle himself in the ring and probably will be able to for a while. Taker has had trouble picking people up for his SIGNATURE moves for at least 3 years and Goldberg has never had a reputation for safety. They gotta stop this shit.