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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThe issue isn’t the Raptors defense but lack of scoring
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2694639&mesg_id=2695065
2695065, The issue isn’t the Raptors defense but lack of scoring
Posted by FILF, Fri May-03-19 11:54 PM
>Ben Fricking Simmons is a fifth option. I don’t know how
>Toronto can stop that. I’m interested to see whether they
>try Kawhi on someone besides Ben to cut off Toby or Jimmy.
>That’s the only real adjustment I can think of.

Harris has more shots than points & is averaging like 15 on 40% shooting. Also, the only issue on defense the past two games has been in transition b/c of all the bricks. 🧱

If anything, they can help off Simmons (maybe put Kawhi on Jimmy) & double Embiid if he has it going again but otherwise they just need to make shots especially Lowly/Gasol (fuckin’ Monroe has outscored him) & the bench who are single-handily getting outscored by James freakin Ennis. The putrid offense when Kawhi is off the floor is worse than what it was when Russ went to bench in ‘17. Offensive rating: 54!!!!