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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI know it's difficult - but it's dignified to acquiesce and accept the L
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2684754&mesg_id=2684877
2684877, I know it's difficult - but it's dignified to acquiesce and accept the L
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Jan-18-19 09:18 AM

>spin can be spun in any way you wanna spin it.

lol you can certainly try to spin it any way you want to spin it, but at the end of the day:


Bron pleaded for the Cavs trash FO to not trade Kyrie after the *front office* was sloppy and disorganized in entertaining trade scenarios. Kyrie saw the writing on the wall (that the front office is trash -- *not* that Bron betrayed him as you try to portray it) - and wanted out, and who can blame him for not wanting to run from a trash organization and the worst owner in sports.

Despite your desperate attempts to Fox News the narrative, Bron Godfathered Kyrie's ascent - and Kyrie has gratitude for that. Period.

There's still time to apologize.
