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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectOH NO! no finals...in early november?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2678314&mesg_id=2678352
2678352, OH NO! no finals...in early november?
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Nov-09-18 12:51 AM
you don't understand how mad and lakery you sound right now...because you mad.

they JUST beat the bucks and then lost an away game buzzer beater to a top 4 team in conference. then a nigga i knew would be trash his very next game goes insane. if they'd won those, they'd be 9-2 and hayward would STILL be rusty, jayson would STILL be figuring how when to be aggressive and when to defer with kyrie back out there, rozier would STILL be salty about his minutes, smart gon take his ill-timed shots not matter what, so no harm there...anyway, they 7-4. why the lakers some shit, bruh?

your dumb ass need to be tanking, so y'all can get another dukie out there to help bron dumb ass. because all this tryna win shit and HOPING AD get traded before his contract is UP in 3 YEARS and tryna convince kawhi to be bron handmaiden when he got a good thing going in toronto is just gon get you laughed at.