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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectHow long we ‘sposed let Derrick McKey w/inflation lines cyse us?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2677045&mesg_id=2677045
2677045, How long we ‘sposed let Derrick McKey w/inflation lines cyse us?
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Oct-28-18 06:57 PM
Simmons some shit. Seriously. Batum can do that shit.

Now they packing the lane like fuck and his FG% plummeting without them bum ass create-a-player layups and dunks.

SMH. Y’all really gon sit here and pretend he something else? HE NEED THE BALL ALL THE TIME TO NOT BE COMPLETELY USELESS!

That don’t bother nobody?

I’d take Caris Levert over him. I’m serious.