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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectMan...his trainer is letting him HAVE IT!!! (Link)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2671437&mesg_id=2671594
2671594, Man...his trainer is letting him HAVE IT!!! (Link)
Posted by DVS, Wed Aug-29-18 09:55 AM

For those who aren't trying to watch the whole video (the sound quality of the trainer is shitty)....here's the deal

Apparently, Harper was offered the fight months ago as an "unnamed opponent" bout for $2,000 more than what he signed.

He signed for less because he and his wife decided to do an end around on the trainer and ended up getting screwed for 2 Gs in the process.

So Harper starts huffing and puffing about the money on the day of the bout....then decides on his own to walk out the ring.

Commissioner comes up to the trainer and says "If you don't get that fool in the ring in ONE MINUTE...he's disqualified and will NEVER fight again"

Trainer said by the time he caught up to Harper backstage....dude was taking off his gloves and the bell was ringing.

Long story less long....long history of mental issues finally getting out to the light of day...and money has now just fucked his whole family up over 2 Gs.