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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThis Neymar BS is really pissing me off. Every replay
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2667174&mesg_id=2667343
2667343, This Neymar BS is really pissing me off. Every replay
Posted by calminvasion, Fri Jul-06-18 11:34 AM
every single one - is a clear foul. There is no acting in terms of creating a foul out of nothing.

He get fouled every single time he touches the ball. Does he embellish - yes. And really he should, because the constant fouling is a strategy that is rewarded. The ref of the Switzerland/Brazil game basically normalized it and would not give a yellow for murder.

Now these losers, are going after King BOP?

F'k it. I'm team SIMULATION. ALL IN! You don't like it, mouthbreathers, go watch rugby.