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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectLeBronies: A Peace Offering
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2662451&mesg_id=2662451
2662451, LeBronies: A Peace Offering
Posted by Dr Claw, Sat Jun-09-18 03:09 PM
Citizens of LeBronon, after recent events, your proud nation-state is under an existential threat.

For the last few years, we have kept at best, a detente due to the migration of your ruler to the franchise that I hold dear. I offer today that this goes to a full armistice treaty for the remainder of the NBA career of one LeBron R. James, the greatest and perhaps most unique individual talent we will ever see in the history of the league. Despite our disagreements over items such as the Kyrie Irving Matter, our enemies are mutual and numerous.

As I can not claim membership of the LeBrony Tribe, particularly during the period where he took his talents to South Beach, I can only offer support when the dum-dums in the back strike extra hard with the meme bombing, the nuance-free discussion, so on and so forth. The seemingly endless arms support from Jordanites, now emboldened by the decreased threats to their reign only complicates the matter.

Ahead of any "Decision" made by Your King, M.A.D. will support his next move contingent on his refusal to align with The New Death Star in Walnut Creek, I mean... Oakland or wherever in The Bray Area they decide to settle after this.

The finest, most precision lined warheads of HATE are at your disposal, compliments of yours truly.

This has been Dr. Claw, Jabbaria Expatriate Broadcasting From The Abandoned Cove of Kobestan.