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Topic subjectKinda think Mayfield was best QB for current Browns
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2653191&mesg_id=2653191
2653191, Kinda think Mayfield was best QB for current Browns
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Fri Apr-27-18 10:19 AM
And I don't like the guy, but having watching him play last year and looked at some tape, read the conversations out there…

He is ultra competitive…never shrank from the moment. Can battle against adversity, survive a messy pocket, motivate teammates.

You gonna need all that in CLE.

Additionally, although he played in a spread…I was surprised to see how his high completion % was not simply the result tunnel screens and 3 yards catch and runs. He actually threw the ball downfield more and more accurately than his competition. He doesn't have a cannon or anything but you need a guy who is ready and willing to go down the field, and who can actually complete those passes at a decent clip.

Darnold- The turnovers, the lack of polish, didn't really lead anyone anywhere. Could be good but I think a bigger risk for a team like Cleveland. They can't afford a guy to go out there and turn the ball over a bunch because morale will take a nosedive. Also, his head looks like a block of cheese…iono, he looks dumb.

Rosen- Could be the best in the draft if he lands on the right team but he needs a clean pocket and a coach he vibes with. Durability concerns on top of that. Now, how often you gonna see a clean pocket in CLE, especially with JT gone.


Jackson- Too much risk, and their picks were too high. They could not afford to get cute with this one.