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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectwhy? dude has to play with black teammates.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2652944&mesg_id=2652969
2652969, why? dude has to play with black teammates.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Apr-26-18 09:18 AM
i dont think he is a blatant racist (at least not from these tweets).
im pretty sure a lot of black players would (rightfully) be offended tho.

but i doubt he gets labeled a possible cancer/distraction to the same degree as josh rosen for his fuck trump shit. theyll still dismiss this shit and try to shoehorn allen into a potentially affected locker room regardless of how those black players feel.

meanwhile these same front office people labeled colin kaepernick a cancer/distraction the same year his teammates gave him the eshmont award.

but even riley cooper had the support of his coach and front office and kept his job for 3 more seasons.

itll be really interesting to watch this double standard play out with this allen shit.