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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: You realize they drafted three of those dudes right?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2649092&mesg_id=2649181
2649181, RE: You realize they drafted three of those dudes right?
Posted by ThaTruth, Wed Apr-04-18 09:44 AM
>yeah i listed those 3 guys because LA is going to have to pay
>them pretty soon
>basically I could see potential problems with guys playing for
>their upcoming contracts etc etc.
>I just see a lot guys that will need to be paid shortly +
>bringing in a lot of high profile player = could equal
>problems. We'll see, should be interesting

Donald, Gurley and Goff are the cornerstones of the team as of right now they will definitely take care of them. Most of those other dudes are basically rentals anyway.

Generally in football guys play for contracts is a good thing but then again in the NFL most people are playing for their contract every year anyway. If these guys can elevate the Rams to the Super Bowl they will have no problem writing the checks.