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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectAlways take the money. Always.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2649083&mesg_id=2649107
2649107, Always take the money. Always.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Apr-03-18 05:47 PM

Like... look. I know young athletes with high potential like Nerlens think it's as simple as "I'll ball out next year and then my NEXT contract will be HUGE!!" This is the same mindset of the college player who returns to college, thinking, "Sure, I could be a first rounder this year, but NEXT YEAR, when I ball out, I can make TOP 5 PICK MONEY! WHEEEEEEE"

These GMs are looking for reasons to pay you less. At every turn. Yes, Nerlens could've made a couple mil more had he balled out-- but injuries happen. Bad streaks happen. Chemistry with teammates can sour. Off-court issues can strike. They will hold anything and everything against you. And 70 mil in the hand is worth more than you in the bushes.

I still think Nerlens can turn it around, because he's only 23, for Christ's sake. But man. Take the money. Always. ALWAYS. Said the same thing for poor Seth Curry-- took a short, small deal in Dallas because he saw how he was playing and thought, "Shit, if I keep playing this way for two years, I'll be ROLLING in it two years from now!" Played well Year 1, 13 PPG, 42% from 3-- but the second year was so injury plagued that he didn't play a single game. Think he's getting a longer deal now? I don't.


*end rant*