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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI could see if it was basketball or volleyball
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2644594&mesg_id=2644789
2644789, I could see if it was basketball or volleyball
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Feb-26-18 04:11 PM
but wrestling is all about strength and quickness and all that testosterone gives him a huge advantage.

I would be furious if my daughter reached the finals 2 years in a row and lost to this guy.

I guess it’s a “welcome to the real world” momennt for the girl who lost but damn.

I’m not anti but I feel like if you are transitioning you have to take this into consideration. I feel bad either way tho because if Texas let’s him wrestle against boys and he gets broke in half then it’s a bad look. Ionno.

I would probably have to put my transition on hold or just not wrestle beucause why would I want to fight girls now that I’m a dude?

What happened with the dude who transitioned to a woman and used to beat up other women in UFC or MMA? I always thought that was weird as shit. You became a woman to whoop their ass?