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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectthere is only one real solution and i dont understand the issue
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2643098&mesg_id=2643862
2643862, there is only one real solution and i dont understand the issue
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Feb-16-18 07:32 PM
everyone plays to win

if shawn makes the finals its winner take all, no runner up prize awarded. this still disproportionately affects the other conference in a positive way in terms of payout, but negatively in terms of potentially making the finals and getting nothing. BALANCE, people!

anyone but shawn wins, congrats youre rich. even richer if you actually beat shawn in the finals.

shawn wins, the tournament money is sent back to guys who paid at a pro-rated amount. commish keeps all late fees. lil piece of pork for you AB!


rolled over and awarded to whichever of us finishes with the best record/average *next year*. it would have to be a regular season award, because only the players who paid THIS year will be eligible, not any potential rookies from next year. obviously anyone who doesnt come back next year would forfeit that.

ill he really honest, when i decided i wanted to join the league, the Survivor "brand" played a huge role. it should be absolutely imperative to everyone that competitive balance and fair betting are actively protected. if someone has a better way to do that Im all ears. but as is...im not seeing one.