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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI didn't mention the money, because that's a
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2625681&mesg_id=2625832
2625832, I didn't mention the money, because that's a
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Sat Oct-14-17 01:12 PM
reasonable example of the hypocrisy you're trying to point out...

paying for hookers isn't...

even with the money...you got to remember.... the NCAA has to base it's decisions on what they would be able to defend in court on an appeal... That's going to lean them towards giving a pass on things that cannot be 100% tied to actions that benefit athletic programs exclusively... because on appeal..if something is available to non-athletes, the likelihood of winning on appeal is good enough to give the NCAA pause on applying sanctions.

its interesting to me that there are certain things that go on in recruiting that someone would think is against the rules, or even illegal....and actually they aren't against the rules, and are perfectly legal... particularly in basketball .... that grey area has a lot going on...and a lot of money involved