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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectMagic/pre-KobeGOAT Shaq would crush this league
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2620051&mesg_id=2620075
2620075, Magic/pre-KobeGOAT Shaq would crush this league
Posted by Nodima, Sat Aug-12-17 12:00 PM
So would Hakeem. Shaq was so fast and athletic with his size that, just like then, he would just go around and through people. The only difference is he'd probably have an easier time because the centers are 10 pounds lighter now and the PFs aren't low center of gravity bullies with trees for legs.

(Didn't notice you made the next two posts also and are in clown mode. Oh well.)

It makes sense that people fantasize yearly about a next gen Shaq entering this version of the NBA. If anything would course correct the trend away from the basket I think it'd be him/his heir.

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