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Topic subjectLaVar Ball to female ref: Love me or leave me alone
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2618844, LaVar Ball to female ref: Love me or leave me alone
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jul-28-17 12:05 PM
man, this dude is setting a bad example for these kids. You can't quit every time there is a bad call.


LAS VEGAS -- LaVar Ball threatened to pull his Big Baller Brand AAU team off the court on Friday morning after receiving a technical foul, eventually leading to the female referee being replaced mid-game.

"She's got a vendetta," Ball told ESPN after the game.

"She needs to stay in her lane because she ain't ready for this," he added.

The referee declined comment on what happened.

Adidas said it was their decision to replace the referee.

"There was some miscommunication," said Chris Rivers, Adidas Director of Global Basketball Sports Marketing.

Ball was given a technical foul in the first half of Big Ballers' game against Team BBC at the Adidas Summer Championships. He pointed to the official and yelled, "We need to get someone else in here."

Minutes later, Ball looked at his team and said "Let's go." The players began to pick up their bags and walk off the court.

After a long delay in which coaches from the two teams, along with representatives from Adidas and the referees, met on the court, the game resumed -- with a different official.