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Topic subjectA defense of the Hardaway deal:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2617205&mesg_id=2617351
2617351, A defense of the Hardaway deal:
Posted by Castro, Tue Jul-11-17 10:57 AM
1. Youngster comes into the league, 2nd generation...Pops is a legit HOFer but the brand has been tarnished because Pops is whitelisted.

2. Youngster ends up in the biggest market with the supposed GOAT running the organization and his handpicked guy running the team.

3. Youngster performs ooookay at best in a chaotic situation,little or no development of his game/mentoring forthcoming because his coach is fucking his girlfriend.

4. Young dude leaves town, goes to another city, game develops a bit, but more importantly for him, he is away from that toxic situation.

5. Toxic coach and fake GOAT both gone...organization re-signs Youngster....

Now all that said, Tim Hardaway is no savior....I am not going to sit here and give some hamfisted "look at his Per48!!!" bullshit. I am also not going to sit and say 'They had to do it'. They didn't have to do shit- they probably could luck up on someone from the development league or the summer league who could jack up shots and be a bamma. But dude got fucked over by his coach in NY and they brought him back for a fresh start.

What this move does is establish the beginnings of some professionalism from the front office that has had none since PJax decided he wanted to go back to Idaho of wherever the fuck he fishes. And professionalism means having some kind of fucking integrity about the environment you create for your players. This is a signal to Melo, Yung Kris and whomever else that has been stuck in this shit, that they are not going to treat them like Oakley got treated in MSG. It gives Hornacek, a legit coach, a chance to have a chance in his locker room.

Hardaway could end up being a Lance Thomas...or he could end up being a Spree. Who knows, but he plays like he cares about winning (which admittedly is not the same as knowing how...).