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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectif the Dubs win - this will not be a highly regarded title.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2611372&mesg_id=2611452
2611452, if the Dubs win - this will not be a highly regarded title.
Posted by Vex_id, Mon Jun-05-17 01:51 PM
The more meaningful titles are hard-earned - which is why last year's Cleveland championship run will rank at the apex of championship moments in the league's entire history.

KD has been able to coast this season - get injured - and have the luxury of it not mattering because he's playing on an all-star team. The context of how he landed in G.S. will wane the shine from the title should he win it - but I'm sure that won't matter to him.

But let's not act like this is just another "super-team" - this was a MVP caliber player who was a viable threat to the title himself in OKC joining the record-breaking team that just barely edged him in the conference finals the year prior -- so it's understandable why so many aren't impressed.

Nobody will really care about this title outside of KD and GS fans.
