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Topic subject2017 Washington Wizards Offseason Post
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2608742, 2017 Washington Wizards Offseason Post
Posted by SoulHonky, Mon May-15-17 11:44 PM
It's all about Otto.

Will someone max out Porter? I think someone like the Nets might throw a big contract his way.

If Wiz max out Otto, that's it for additions outside of the MLE.

I still think you have to sign him. You probably won't get anyone better for him with the cap space they'd have if they lost him and you don't want to just let a valuable commodity walk, especially on a playoff team.

There's also the issue of Bogdan. He's also restricted and could see a minor overpay. Again, probably best for the Wiz to keep what they have and make a trade later.

Jennings is the last key FA. He was useless in the Boston series. He could stay or go. If there's a veteran who might sign a cheaper deal to help the bench, add veteran presence, it would probably be best.

Obviously, backup #4 and backup G is the biggest need. For cheaper guys, they should probably be the next people to give Terrence Jones a shot. Maybe give Spanish League star Edwin Jackson a run at the NBA.

No first rounder for the Wiz - goes to BK in the Bogdan trade. They only have the #52 to find someone to try to help the bench.

This season probably means Ernie Grunfeld isn't going anywhere. Which is a shame because I don't have much confidence in him being able to get what this team needs to take the next step.