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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjecthis better of 2 SEA seasons is still worse than any NO season*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2599199&mesg_id=2599492
2599492, his better of 2 SEA seasons is still worse than any NO season*
Posted by cgonz00cc, Wed Mar-15-17 08:56 AM
*besides his rookie year

and moore as the third receiver kimd of makes my point. from 2008-2012 as the third reciever he averaged 65/826/8 per 16 games. how many other teams and QBs could get a WR3 that kind of production?

Its true Colston never played anywhere else, but Brees has NEVER played with someone who set their career receiving highs elsewhere, including Sproles and Bush.

Ill hold an L if it happens with Cooks, but it wont.