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Topic subjecti don't coach basketball either....i'm just a "guy"
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2599199&mesg_id=2599390
2599390, i don't coach basketball either....i'm just a "guy"
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Mar-14-17 11:29 AM
>Explosiveness doesn't equate to being better at WR.

sure doesn't. but it helps break the tie between guys close in talent.

>Jerry Rice wasn't nearly as explosive as most guys in the
>NFL's all-time receptions list, but he's definitely the best

>I'll take size, agility & hands over speed any day.

OBJ ain't big...LMAO. and you don't know shit about cooks, because he prolly got OBJ in those, too.

>OBJ killing Cooks.

we'll see.