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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectAgreed. It's exactly that simple and we should look only at today
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2596407&mesg_id=2596461
2596461, Agreed. It's exactly that simple and we should look only at today
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Feb-21-17 03:27 PM
Under no circumstances should we look at the long term.

We should gut all of our cost controlled youth for an all star in the middle of a lost season.

We should absolutely do that in a season when we have perhaps our final shot at securing a top three pick in what is said to be a rich draft, 6 months after locking up two older guys for 30 mil who certainly aren’t there for their productivity.

Can’t wait for your roster of Butler, Deng, Moz, whoever we trick into signing this offseason, and a bag of much more expensive dildos who are already exactly who and what they will be.

I love how you keep doing this overly simplified shit about “no one is untouchable” as though I’m not actually FOR TRADING FOR BUTLER and saying how I’d *rather* go about getting him in a way that allows us to retain a little bit of our cost controlled youth at the same time.
This whole bit about “a bonafide all star” is nonsense.

We’re the Lakers. We should have some discipline and build toward building a machine that can compete for a title for years, not aiming for a “bonafide all star” that can elevate us into mediocrity at the expense of youth, depth, and future flexibility.

Ask Knicks fans about that whole “building to win now” tact has worked out for them. I’m sure they’re all enamored with that approach.