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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI'm having so much fun watching this team.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2185750&mesg_id=2594754
2594754, I'm having so much fun watching this team.
Posted by Vex_id, Tue Feb-07-17 06:33 PM
Last night was a perfect example of the big 3 in their balance (although usually Ky is much more effective - but he made up for it with possibly the greatest OT performance I've ever seen).

But you have Love banging - getting crucial boards - igniting breaks w/ crisp, intelligent passing off the defensive glass - and hitting 3's like a boss. Love is playing so smooth and in his natural flow right now. And Bron just going full tool-box, doing everything that needs to be done while being the swiss army knife floor general. Bron is passing the ball more adeptly than I've ever seen him do. And Kyrie has developed into a real closer - and a guy who can go off at any moment, and it's usually right when they need it (like last night).

When you think of Bron's leadership evolution through his first stint in Cleveladn - to 4 years in Miami - to now - it's an unbelievable ascendancy into the game's most collaborative quarterback. We won't ever seen a play-making, team-first superstar of this order ever again in the game. I'm appreciating every second.
